We joined Dick & Pat around their fire in the evening and were talking when a barred owl decided to join us in a tree not more than 15 feet away. He sat on his perch and watched us for about 5 minutes before moving on.
Tuesday, Jun 29 - After bacon & eggs, we put our new backpacks on and hiked the West Rim Trail. This is a beautiful hike, with dramatic overlooks. It was very warm.

Wednesday, Jun 30 - Happy Birthday John. After cereal breakfast, we hiked from the west rim to the east rim and added a side trip to the upper falls. This is a nice, but again rugged trail, with roots and rocks to watch for. The scenery is not as spectacular as the west rim loop trail until you arrive at the east rim. We relaxed and listened to music on our I-Phones, then joined our friends at Canyon Grill for dinner. The food was great, but more expensive than usual, but it was John's birthday afterall.
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