Paynes Prairie SP (April 6)

We left at 10AM and arrived here at noon, after driving about 100 miles. The motorhome did great with the Envoy following obediently behind. John cranked up the Air Rides to keep the semis from having fun with us. Set at 85 pounds made it very solid, but still with a comfortable ride. We are now sitting in a parking area waiting for the folks who had our site to clear out. It gave us a chance to have a lesurely lunch. This is a beautiful campground and area. We were here three years ago and enjoyed it greatly.
After lunch, we biked about two miles over to the visitor's center and climbed to the top of the observation tower. Sometimes bison, deer, and other animals can be spotted from there. Not so today. On the path between the parking lot and the visitor's center, we passed by a large snake that we later identified as a rat snake. He gave us a start at first, but was not the least bit aggressive. We head out in the morning to East Bank COE (Corps of Engineers) Campground near Chattahoochee, Fl.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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