Whitetail Ridge COE (March 29-31)

DSunday - We got mostly packed up and attended a worship service in the pavilion put on by two men from a local congregation. They have been doing this for several years. Our 125 mile trip here was good, with pretty scenery along the way. We were in and set up by 2 PM. It is a cool, beautiful day with temps in the low 60s. The lake looks to be in mid pool.  After spaghetti dinner, we took the 4 wts and fished in several places from shore. Joan had a small bass on, but lost it and John caught a nice yellow-bellied bream. Perhaps the water needs to warm some.
Monday - Rain came through in the morning, so we took that as an opportunity to make a Walmart run. The sun came out in the afternoon and it turned out to be a beautiful day. John split some logs that wee left in a near pile from s tree that was cut down and although it was quite wet we managed to have a nice campfire. We took the cane poles down to the boat launch, but caught nothing. 
Tuesday - We tried the same place this time armed with the Tenkara rods. We had the best success with small hoppers, but nymphs worked too with the nice sizd bream. We got some things ready for our last stretch tomorrow to Trackrock. 

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